Thank you for your interest in our services!
For a safe and optimal navigation, we invite you to browse this document, as well as the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy, with which it is completed accordingly.
The provisions of this document are mandatory and binding for any visitor even in the case of voluntarily/involuntarily accessing and navigating on this webpage.
Property and control right. Contact. |
The webpage (referred to as ”page”), as well as any content/design/distinctness element included/corelated in it, are the property and subject to the exclusive right of use of the company POIANA CAILOR S.R.L, Romanian nationality, with office in Bucharest, District 6, Calea Giuleşti no. 333, Building C14, basement, Room 13, with registration number at the Trade Register J40/1605/2021, CUI 43649991 (referred to as „company”)
We are constantly working to inform you in an accurate and comprehensive manner and to answer as best as possible to your expectations.
For any notice, complaint, feedback or suggestion on how this page works/content elements displayed in/on it, we are available at the e-mail address:
The answer will be communicated in maximum 10 business days, by the same means of communication used for receiving the notice.
Definitions |
Visitor – person who accesses the website, voluntarily/involuntarily, by direct accessing or link from external/related sources;
Visitor admitted – visitor who expressly accepts the provisions of this document, by checking the pop-up consent window (express consent) or the visitor who, even though is not expressly accepted, navigated on site with the observance of the conditions stipulated by this document (implicit consent)
Restricted visitor – visitor committing a not compliant act of the page and whose possibility to access/navigate on the page is restricted/limited;
Non-compliant use – any act of access/navigation/intervention on page, contrary to the provisions of this document
Content– any element included for view on page/to which access is granted by access, regardless of the presentation form (text, audio, video, software, information data or combined)
Design elements – any element of distinctness of the visual and sound construction of the webpage
Distinctness elements – brands, logos, stylized presentations, drawings, models, emblems etc.
The logos Singureni Manor, Paul’s Lodge, Paul’s Horses and Paul’s Forest are registered at OSIM and protected against unauthorized uses.
Page content and purpose |
The page is an instrument for
- describing the location Singureni Manor, the facilities and services offered on location and available in the surroundings,
- fulfilling the legal obligations in terms of company transparency and information in relation with the visitors of the page and its clients
- communicating between the company and the clients/potential clients
- intermediating service provisions, through the possibility to make bookings or request information online;
- intermediating and facilitating recruitment and collaboration processes
- building a community with values/aspirations/wishes shared in terms of relaxation, rest, entertainment, gastronomy, sports-recreational activities.
It is not possible to make a direct booking/payment on the page, it is not possible for users to publish their own content and it is not necessary to create an user account for access/use.
The liability of the company regarding the content and the functioning of the page |
The images and descriptions regarding locations/accommodation rooms/services/facilities/events are strictly with presentation title. The company is not liable for the permanent and/or instant update of the modifications occurred in time.
Such images and descriptions do not guarantee the permanent and/or just availability of provision by our side and cannot modify/add to the services/concrete quantity, quality and time conditions of provision, undertaken by the company through offers launched individually and/or contract signed with the Beneficiaries of these services.
At the same time, no content element included on this website is interpreted contrary and in an exonerating sense from compliance with specific rules for the use of the contracted services and facilities.
Correlative, their lack of availability and accuracy do not entitle compensations/price refunds/do not modify the conditions to cancel a booking.
The company is not liable for other inaccurate information published on the website.
The company does not undertake the obligation to supply products and services presented exclusively on the website by own means, being able to contact to this end external collaborators, without your prior express agreement.
Visitors are guided to, previously to adopting a decision on the purchase of the services/launch of a booking request, contact the company using the means of communication displayed on the site, for information regarding the products and services available at any moment, their technical and qualitative characteristics, basic prices, any potential services and products additional taxable, securities and other relevant information.
Prejudice of any nature, direct or indirect, due to users by unauthorized interventions of any kind on site are subject to the direct and exclusive liability of their author. The company has no liability to this end, but when the law imposes, will take all the reasonable measures to prevent/limit the unauthorized intervention and its consequences.
The company does not responsibility for direct/indirect prejudice incurred by visitors due to the downtime/improper functioning/delay in the execution of the orders placed by the functions available on site/computer viruses/display errors/the impossibility to access the website at a given moment due to technical problems.
Obligations and interdictions. Visitors liability |
Any visitor has the obligation to fully and exactly comply with the provisions included in this document, under the sanction of restricting/limiting access on the page and fully repairing the direct and indirect damages caused to the company and third parties.
No user can invoke not knowing/not assuming the Access Terms and Conditions of the site or the fact that the failure to expressly mention a limitation/interdiction/instruction if they implicitly result from the Terms and Conditions/from the necessity to comply with express provisions or are inherent to online navigation in general.
Users do not have the right to take over, transmit, transfer, share, publish, reproduce, create out of it a secondary work, to sell, license, rent, grant or transfer any part of the content of this page, to third parties/the public audience, regardless of the purpose (commercial or non-commercial), without the company’s prior written agreement.
Are allowed only shares/distributions with keeping or indicating the source, with the purpose of recommending/promoting/presenting, in a manner that does not harm the legitimate rights and interests of the company.
Any type of information published on the site from the user’s initiative, regardless of their form or content are subject to its direct and exclusive liability, excluding the liability of the company. The company reserved the right to remove such information.
Is strictly forbidden the publication of/any type of association between this page/company products and services/distinctness from the page and:
- pages/activities with an illegal content, contrary to accepted principles of morality and public order or pages that promote pages with such a content;
- web domains of any type that could directly or indirectly harm the company’s image;
- web domains that could create confusion regarding the supplier of the products/services or regarding the brands used by the company.
Right of disposition and control. The right to identify unauthorized users and to restrict and limit access. The right to compensation for damages. |
The company reserves the right to modify/amend/delete partially or totally suspend or interrupt for a definite or indefinite period general access to the page’s content.
Such interventions can be carried out without the prior/subsequent obligation of the users and without them knowing that they can pretend direct and indirect compensation resulting from these interventions.
Any modification on this document are opposable to users from the moment of the first access on the page after their publication.
The company reserves the right to use cumulatively or separately all the technical-information measures and all the legal ways available (civil, penal and of other nature) in order to prevent/limit/obtain the forbidding of the legitimate rights and interests, to recover the direct or indirect prejudices due to it by breaching the provisions of this document.
This right includes the right to access restriction/limitation, without prior or subsequent notice and without payment of compensation, as well as the right to follow using a computer the intervention in reverse, for the identification of the author/those involved.
The company reserved the right to restrict/limit access including if it detected a behaviour that cannot be justified by the regular and reasonable accessing of the page, even if it does not represent an express conditions for compliant use within this document or if the manner of accessing hinders/impacts in any way and to any extent, even if involuntary, the optimal functioning of the website (suspicious behaviour/behaviour damaging to the page)
The company rights and the liability of the users under the conditions of this paragraph extend also in relation with the legitimate rights and interests of the representatives/employees/associates/collaborator/clients/product and services suppliers by it/data subjects whose data are processed by the company, affected in any way by acts of non-compliant use. In consequence, without the direct liability of the facts and without a title of obligation, the company may act in order to also defend their legitimate rights and interests.
External links |
This page contains references and interconnections with third parties and web applications (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn,
To these are applied the provisions of this document, properly in relation to the use terms and conditions of the respective pages and networks, which are not under our control or disposition.
Appliable law. Litigation. |
This document, any accessing and navigation act, as well as litigation resulting from them are governed by the Romanian law and are subject to the jurisdiction of the competent courts from Romania.
Any litigation between the parties on the interpretation and execution of this document shall be solved amicably, by direct conciliation, for a period of 15 days, and those unsolved this way shall be transmitted to the competent courts.
Consumers – natural persons who act outside commercial, business, crafts or professional purposes – can use the alternative online mechanism for solving the litigation – SOL, offered by the European Commission, for those litigation covered by its sphere.
Version 1.1 published on 13 July 2021